Friday, January 22, 2010

Call to Recognize Our Position (Col 1:1)

a) We are called by the will of God. Each of us who served in the ministry is called by God. I believe you serve in Children’s Ministries because you felt the call of God to serve here. This should impact the way we serve and minister to the children. We use the talents and gifts God has given us to invest in the lives of these children. We do everything to the best of our ability. We strive for excellence in the ministry. We are serving God, not anyone else, who has called us and placed us here in the ministry fulfilling different roles that God has ordained for us.

b) We are called to belong to Jesus Christ. We have no other lord or master; we belong only to Jesus Christ. Whatever we do, we seek to glorify our Master Jesus. Our life’s goal should be to please him and in our service we want to give Him the best. We want to do what is best for the Body of Christ (the Church).

2. Call to Disciple-Making (Col 1:1)

a) Paul’s aim is discipleship. He is not Zorro the Lone Ranger. He always serves together with others and focuses on developing other people around him. He seeks to help others fulfill his/her role in God’s kingdom. Timothy is one of Paul’s disciples; in fact, the relationship they shared is like a ‘father-son’ relationship. I pray as we minister to the children we would also develop close, lasting relationship with them.

b) God has placed in our care the children. These are our disciples. Our tasks are to disciple and develop them to become the person God wants them to be. Our task is not babysitting or provides a drop-in for parents on weekend. Our task is nobler than that. We are engage in disciple-making every weekend. Our time every week with the children is precious because we are making disciples for Christ.

So dear people, what we do each week is awesome work. Our obedience to God’s will and the Master Jesus helps to prepare the Church for the years to come. Each week as we teach the children, we are building disciples for Christ Jesus and ministers for God. We are the backbone of the Church. I pray that as we continue to serve in the Ministry, we will come to realize the importance of our task more. We will see and appreciate the trust God has in us to groom His leaders for the Church.
Call to Purposeful and Faithful Living (Col 1:2)

a) In the New Testament all believers are called ‘saints’. The words ‘saint’ and ‘holy’ come from the same root word in the original language, meaning a ‘saint’ is ‘a holy one’. We are ‘holy’ because we are separated out of the world to serve God for a specific purpose. We serve a specific purpose in God’s kingdom. Every one of us has a special function in the kingdom of God. In Children’s Ministries, our purpose is to rise up leaders for the kingdom. Each week as we come to the ministry, whether to teach or lead worship, we have a purpose and our purpose is to train and rise up new leaders for the kingdom.

b) Those who are entrusted with God’s purpose must be faithful. God requires each of us to be faithful in our stations in the kingdom. When we serve in the ministry, faithful living means we treat every task with our best effort. It may also means coming early to prepare for the service or practicing and rehearsing for worship. Faithful living is more than fulfilling a task; it requires us to carry out the task to the best of our effort and with excellence.

2. Call to be a Blessing (Col 1:2)

a) Give you a quiz: if you have a choice would you like to be a caterpillar or a housefly? What is your choice? Both caterpillar and housefly are considered pests. However, I pray that you would choose to be a caterpillar. Why? Because a caterpillar would become a beautiful butterfly after it went through the tedious process of metamorphosis. When it turns into a butterfly it becomes a blessing because wherever it goes it helps to perpetuate life. But a housefly only brings death wherever it goes.

b) As Christians we are called to bring God’s grace and peace to those around us. In our ministry, it may be to help the children to experience the goodness of God and to experience His salvation grace. The children that pass through our hands must hear the gospel before they leave our care. Helping the children to experience the peace/shalom of God is to help them grow up wholesomely and be in a right relationship with God. We are called to bring life to our children – the life of God.

We are called to live purposefully and faithfully as God has entrusted to us the sacred mission of rising leaders for his kingdom to fulfill his purposes on earth. In our ministry, it is important that each week we demonstrate these characters so that our children will also learn to live purposefully and faithfully. We are also called to be a blessing in our children’s life. We will help our children to grow closer to God with each passing week and be the agent through whom they can experience the grace and peace of God. Wherever we go, we should leave behind the fragrance of life and not the pungent smell of death.



以七印密封的书卷:撬不开的困境 (5.1-5)

气氛很僵,一切呈现胶着状态。在天上也会遇到这样的困境?仿佛,天上也不妙,也出了紧张的状况。是的。这个困境说明了上帝在天上的掌权和他对所造之万物的执行力、二者之间有不协调的张力;天,正面临了严苛的考验,执行不力的危机。书卷被紧密地封锁住,没有任何一方可以撬得开。这,不也反映在地上的人的焦虑吗?即没有答案的焦虑;对所遭受的苦难、冤屈、不平、患难, 似乎都没有希望解开。从另个角度思考,在法理上,任何封住的卷子,一旦打开后,其内容就是有效用的,而不再是理论而已。这就仿佛圣旨,言一经读出,就有执行的作用。然而,目前的情况是:似乎一切都没有了答案,



但是,到底“谁配开这书卷?” (参考:《王上》22/20-21; 《赛》6.8)。“犹大支派的狮子, 他已经得胜了”。 就是他,他配!“犹大支派的狮子”是充满政治意味的称呼。不仅凸显某个地理位置。 类似用法,在《启示录》很是普遍。例如:巴比伦 – 就是用换喻 (metonymy) 的方式,以远喻近;总之,这是帝国的符号。犹大 (Judeae) 是个地理位置,使人想起另一个古代的王国,曾经是遭遇挫败的国度。但它也是一个在第一世纪时在罗马西边的、极为重要的地理位置。从那个地方来的人叫犹大人(Judaeans)。这是遇到外人外族时自称用的(若是对着自己人,就说行话:“以色列”)。对这位配打开封印的,他还有另外的称呼:“大卫的根”。再一次,有关国度的思维,回响在侧。毫无疑问,这是标显政治弥赛亚的形象的用语,他就是领导以色列战胜政治敌人、替犹太人建立公义/公平的救赎主(参考:《所罗门诗篇》17.1-42; 《以斯拉四书》12.32; 4Q285残篇,5.4; 4Q252,5.3-4; 4Q161, 3.18)。


焦急的背后有安慰。“不要哭泣”(5.5)。这是对着约翰说的,更是对着那些准备聆听的教会、领受信息的人说的 (聆听,经文) 。

基督是受命完成上帝计划的羔羊 (5.6-7)

站着的羔羊,它好像是被杀过的:这是象征的语言,指基督被挂死在木头上 – 这不是一般的事件,而是发生在公共的事件。但对于羔羊的现身之处,在空间上极为吊诡:被杀的羔羊,在天上。这等于说,基督的死不再是局限于历史、曾经发生的历史事件,而是深具宇宙意义的。基督和上帝同空间:他在天。对于在地上的读者而言,这个信息的意义真的太重要了,因为:这等于说这就是跟随基督的人从今以后看待事情的起点、观点。这个观点,不再是从历史说起,而是从上述具备宇宙意义的场景说起。难道, 这就是基督徒升华自己在地上遭遇苦难时的出路?因为地上不得意,所以只好从天上得到安慰?

基督羔羊接受书卷、打开书卷象征他是受命的,将上帝的救赎付诸实现。但这到底是不是指基督在历史的某个特定阶段发生的事情呢?这种可能性不大。 根据作者对羔羊的陈述,羔羊是“从创立世界以前”的 (13.8)。

崇敬基督,敬拜基督 (5.8-14)


4.11:都是单数代名词“你”,而不用“你们”, 但(复活)主和上帝,还是有办法区隔开来。但无论如何区隔, 基督的尊荣、地位几乎和上帝的叠合。 "你是配的,主和我们的上帝,荣耀,尊荣和权能都归给你, 因你创造一切, 它们是藉着你的旨意而被造的。英文圣经NRSV将此处翻译成为: "You are worthy, our Lord and God…” 仿佛主就是上帝。



他们唱新歌:“你是配展开书卷和揭开封印的,因为你曾被杀, 且你为上帝买赎了圣民,就是各个支派、语言和子民和国度。” 公开颂扬基督,运用第二人称“你”。


接受敬拜的两造 12. 竭尽所能的唱道:“被杀的羔羊是配的,你配”领受权能、丰富、智慧、权能、尊荣和荣耀和颂赞。" 13. 之后,我听见天上的、地上的]地底下的、在海里的, 并在它们其中的高唱道:“坐在宝座上的啊, 和羔羊,但愿永远的颂赞、荣耀、权能都归于他。” (运用第三人称)



1. 当上帝和基督一并提及的时候,作者谨慎的以单数动词和代名词来表述(参考:14.1; 20.6; 21.22; 22.3; 但注意:6.17)

2. 作者有能力将二者隔开, 并作出分别的描绘:透过重复的前置词(以免构成概念上的合一,即conceptual unity)以及使用重复紧随前置词的格 (例如:6.16; 7.9-10; 11.15; 12.10; 14.4; 20.6; 21.22; 22.1; 22.1)。

无论如何,基督如此崇高的地位, 对于犹太人而言还是有张力的、让他们感觉不安的。

我们可以这样说,论敬拜的范围上,从《启示录》的内容显示,它也已经超出了早先在天庭的范围:那里局限在活物和二十四位长老的敬拜 (4.9-10; 5.8),但此处还包括难以数尽的天使 (5.11),以及在天上的、地上的以及地底下的所有受造 - 无所遗漏 (5.13)。



(余德林, 2010年1月22日)