Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spiritual Warfare & Eph 6:10ff

Ephesians 6:10ff talks about putting on the armor of God for a warfare against the opposing forces. This passage has been misused by charismatic militia to support the idea of spiritual warfare. Attributing all wars to spiritual dimension is a way fo escape to engage in the reality of the material world, an escapist best defence for being passive in a world of injustice.True enough our struggle is not with fellow human being but with the rulers, powers, world forces of this dark world and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies. Every organization and personnel that engage in work of wickedness and injustice are the lackey of these forces. They are the physical and tangible manifestation and expressions of these forces. The spiritual warfare idea is a distraction to Christian from engaging in the tangible expression and manifestation of God's salvation in the world. We are afraid to be outright in our words and actions and choose to retreat to spiritual fanfare. The declaration and fanfare of the spiritual warfare camp is interesting and entertaining with the 'passionate engagement in fervent prayer, loud declaration of victory chant, strenous praying in tongues, waving of banners, spiritual dance, prayer walking, claiming ground and territory for God'. These are but substitue for the courageous and real struggle with the forces.The armor of God is not some spiritual adornment that we put on in prayer every morning. But the real demonstration of those character of God in our daily living. Definitely we need the power of God to help us as we face the challenge ahead of us and He has given us that power - the same power that he exerted upon christ when he raised him from the dead - the power to overcome injustice and unrighteousness. The injustice suffered by christ at the hands of the authroities is reverted when God declare him just by raising him from the dead. Thsi power of Gdo is given to us that we may stand against injustice and wickedness in our world.The different pieces of the armor is not spiritual quality but things taht we should be exhibiting in our lives.
1. Belt of truth - we need to walk in truthfulness, just like God who is Truthe itself and there is no lie in Him. To put on the belt of truth means we must live a life fo truthfulness, in every area of our life, whether in relationship, business, studies, transactions, words and deeds. This defeats the enemy who is teh fatehr of lies. Teh christian church with all its pompous display of spiritual warfare are not able to overcome the enemy becaus ewe are not living in truthfulness toward each other and toward the world.
2. Breastplate of justice - we need to uphold the justice in places where there are injustice. How many of us stand up for injustice in our society, workplace, school, church, government policies etc? We would rathe rsave our own skin than to risk our neck so that the abused and misused can be freed from injustice.
3. Shoe of the rpeparation of the Gospel of peace - we must be peacemaker in a world where talk of war is more than the talk of peace. Are we always ready with the Gospel of Peace - the reconciliation of ethnic groups, countries, minorities with the majorities, man with God? Is the church an arena of war or peace? Do we seek to keep the bond of peace or destroy peace? This calls for wisdom. How to reconcile the need to fight for justice and o keep peace?
4. Shield of faithfulness - the need to trust is growing ever greater in our world today but how many is trustworthy? God is faithful and will always be faithful to his creation. But are we faithful to each other? If christian can even be faithful with each other and keep faith with each other, how can we stand against the world and the forces that belittle faithfulness. What is important is what you get from it; faithfulness is valueless.
5. Helmet of salvation - What is salvation here? Is it the salvation of our soul? eternal life? Maybe it is not. If the armor is God's, then the salvation here may refer to God's act to save those that are oppressed and imprisoned. The church has more often been the place of oppression than salvation.People may have moved from one form of bondage (sin) to another (autotarial spiritual oppression). We are to be God's agent to bring news of salvation not oppression to a world drowning in oppression and abuse and injsutice, not to add another millstone to their neck.
6. Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God is to bring release and hope to people but often it has been a word of death and oppression and control. Instead of proclaiming freedom and release, the word we declare seek to bring people under bondage, and we disguise such bondage with beautiful and religious jargon to make it soudn spiritual and nice.
Spiritual warfare is real but not in the form of the classical spiritual warfare advocate. We must in deed struggle with these forces but not in the heavenlies. It should be done here, where you move and live and have your being. The war in heaven leave it to God and his mighty angels. Let us concentrate on the war on earth. The line between a coward in the face of injusice and wickedness and true trust in God is a thin one. Do not spiritualize your cowardness but rise up to the occassion and take up your armor tostand against the tide of darkness.Will you fight or flight? Will you break heaven with prayer but not stretch out your neck for the oppressed and abused with a word?

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